David Cabatingan

I'm a junior at Brown University studying
Mathematics and Computer Science.

About Me

This section will have some kind of intro sentence. Most of it is below, though.


Proficient in Java, Python, C, MATLAB, and R.


Adaptability, leadership, conflict remediation, mentoring, and effective communication.

Development Skills

Object-oriented design, algorithms, data structures, data analysis, systems programming.


Playing saxophone, reading novels, politics, role-playing games, baking

Work Experience

EDG Intern at MathWorks and Instagram, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, and more.


Sc.B. candidate in Mathematics-Computer Science at Brown.

Get Ready for Baby

Investigating the usage and trends of baby names in the United States.


Modeling objects from abstract algebra in the Alloy software analyzer.


I'll update this when I figure out if I can upload the .jar file.

Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch with opportunities!